Monday, August 22, 2011

Design Research is Key

I am finding more and more each day that thick skin, flexibility and a grain of salt are all necessary elements in the backpack arsenal of a graphic designer and illustrator. It's less complicated to work systematically, and do things in the same formula each time. But every client has different needs. What works for one may not work for the other.

The defining line between one project and the next is research. Research is key. Not just sitting down with the client to find out what they want, but researching the topic, competitors, and overall vibe. I know there are usually limitations mandated by time constraints, but the more energy placed on research the richer the resulting content will be. It's like trying to grasp the taste of pizza from the smell and look alone. The extra research is actually taking a bite. The people your project is communicating to can feel the difference, between a generic take on a topic, versus a thoughtful, well researched, first hand take on the design statement being made.

Quite often the time I spend in my sketchbook, is valuable research time. I pull from different elements, hashing them out, with lead / ink to paper. it helps me get my head around the topic at hand. The topic can be as calm as a kitten or as elusive as a squirrel. Either way I have to claim it and tame it into my realm of understanding. there is always the inevitable Google search. The short cut saving you a trip to the local library and that stash of aging magazines designers swear they will need someday. I refer to my Google image searches as going shopping. I download images on my computer, on my phone, take pictures as the unction hits me. What ever it takes to get the relevant visual data, that will enable me to meet the need of my client. Go the extra mile when you can. Do your research.

Bigger Art Is Better!™

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